General information
Opening ceremony: October 31, 2016, 14:00, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, auditorium P5
October 31 - November 3, 2016. Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC) of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
holds the international scientific conference
"Contemporary Problems of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics", dedicated to
the 110 anniversary of academician
Themes of the conference sections :
- mathematical physics
- computational mathematics and modeling
- inverse and ill-posed problems
- asymptotic methods
Form of participation: the presentation at the conference.
Official languages of the conference: Russian, English.
Order of participation: the filling out the Registration form.
Abstract submission is required.
Registration deadline: July 8, 2016.
Abstract submission deadline: September 9, 2016.
Abstract should be attached to Registration form
or sent via e-mail
to Organizing Committee:
We kindly ask you to use the following email subject: "Abstract. Your Name Surname".
No registration fee is applied.
Travel, accommodation and food expenses are not compensated.
Accommodation in the MSU campus may be considered (subjected to availability).
For accommodation request use the check-box in Registration form.
For any questions please contact Organizing Committee:
Program CommitteeChairman:Sadovnichij Viktor Antonovich RAS academician, rector of MSU Vice-chairmen: Moiseev Evgeniy Ivanovich RAS academician, dean of CMC faculty, MSU Chetverushkin Boris Nikolaevich RAS academician Participants: Alifanov Oleg Mikhaylovich RAS correspondent member Aptekarev, Alexander Ivanovich doctor of sciences, professor Butuzov Valentin Fedorovich doctor of sciences, professor Vasin Vladimir Vasilyevich RAS correspondent member Denisov, Alexander Mikhaylovich doctor of sciences, professor Kabanikhin Sergey Igorevich RAS correspondent member Kalmenov Tynysbek Sharipovich NAS RK academician, Kazakhstan Korzyuk Viktor Ivanovich NASB academician, Belarus Popivanov Nedyu I. doctor of sciences, professor, Bulgaria Popov Yury Petrovich RAS correspondent member Romanov Vladimir Gavrilovich RAS correspondent member |
Organizing CommitteeChairman:Moiseev Evgeniy Ivanovich RAS academician, dean of CMC faculty, MSU Vice-chairmen: Denisov Alexander Mikhaylovich doctor of sciences, professor Lozhkin Sergey Andreyevich doctor of sciences, professor Secretaries of the conference: Gavrilov Sergey Vadimovich candidate of sciences Romanenko Tatyana Evgenyevna candidate of sciences Participants: Kulchenkov Vladimir Grigorievich deputy dean of CMC faculty Lomov Igor Sergeyevich doctor of sciences, professor Mukhin Sergey Ivanovich doctor of sciences, professor Nefedov Nikolai Nikolaevich doctor of sciences, professor Razgulin Aleksandr Vitalyevich doctor of sciences, professor Fedotov Mikhail Valentinovich candidate of sciences, docent |